How to Update Huawei G7 Plus (RIO-L02) to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop

Huawei G7 Plus (RIO-L02) stock C636B140 Android 5.1 Lollipop firmware  is available for download. This firmware can be installed on any G7 Plus handset from Asian Pacific region.
Follow our guide below to download the update and install it yourself.

Disclaimer: We provide various Firmware Updates and rooting process along with Custom ROM, Modes, file are all belong to their owners/developers. The author of this site or the developers are not responsible, if you damage or brick your device. Do it on your own risk and follow the instruction properly.

 How to Update Huawei G7 Plus (RIO-L02) to Android 5.1.1 Lollipop:

Step 1- Download “Huawei_G7” and extract its contents.

Step 2- On your phone, take a full backup of all your data and apps and store it somewhere safe.

Step 3- Transfer the extracted ‘dload’ folder to your phone’s external microSD card.

Step 4- Unplug the USB cable and go to Updater > menu > Local update, select the full package and flash it.

Step 5- You can also manually trigger the update by rebooting the device while holding Vol down + Vol up + Power for a couple of seconds.

That’s it! Your Huawei G7 Plus (RIO-L02) should now have Android 5.1.1 Lollipop on your phone! Go to Settings > About phone to verify.

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