[Fix] Samsung Galaxy S7 Battery Drain/Overheating Calibrate

Your SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 battery drain very fast? Or does your SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 overheat? 

This is a common problem among Samsung Galaxy S7 owners, however, there are a few things that you can try to do to fix the issue. Sometimes the draining is a direct result of apps installed on your device.

If your Galaxy S7 overheats then proceed with this guide to help solve the issue.

The Android operating system has a feature called Battery Stats, which keeps track of battery capacity, when it is full or empty. The problem is that it sometimes it become corrupted and starts displaying data that isn’t real, which, for example, causes the phone to turn off before reaching 0 percent. Calibrating your Android battery simply means getting the Android OS to correct this information so it is reflective of your actual battery levels once again. It's important to understand that you can't actually calibrate the battery: it is, after all, just a cell that stores and discharges. However, lithium-ion batteries do include a printed circuit board (PCB) that serves as a protection switch to stop them from exploding or deep discharging. IF you don't have a rooted SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 then the first steps are for you:

How to calibrate SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 battery without root access?

Method 1

  1. Discharge your SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 fully until it turns itself off.
  2. Turn it on again and let it turn off.
  3. Plug your phone into a charger and, without turning it on, let it charge until the on-screen or LED indicator says 100 percent.
  4. Unplug your charger.
  5. Turn your phone on. The battery indicator will likely not say 100 percent, so plug it in (leave your phone on for this) and continue charging until it says 100 percent on-screen as well.
  6. Unplug your phone and restart it. If it doesn't say 100 percent plug the charger back in until it says 100 percent on screen.
  7. Repeat this cycle until it says 100 percent (or as close as you think it's going to get) when you start it up without being plugged in.
  8. Now, let your battery discharge all the way down to 0 percent and let your phone turn off again.
  9. Fully charge the battery one more time without interruption and you should have reset the Android system's battery percentage.
Please remember that it is not recommended to perform this process all the time. Even when your battery is so dead your phone won't even turn on, your battery still has enough reserve charge to avoid system damage.

How to calibrate SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 battery with root access?

Even though it is not clear if clearing the batterystats.bin file has any meaningful effect on how the Android system reports remaining battery charge, there are those who swear by this method. So in the interests of fairness the process is included for you here (it is true that different manufacturers use the batterystats.bin file for different things). It's basically the same process as above but with the added step of a root-enabled app.

Method 2

  1. Discharge your SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 fully until it turns itself off.
  2. Turn it on and let it discharge and turn off again.
  3. Plug your phone into a charger and, without turning it on, let it charge until the on-screen or LED indicator says 100 percent.
  4. Unplug your charger.
  5. Turn your phone on. The battery indicator will likely not say 100 percent, so plug it in (leave your phone on) and continue charging until it says 100 percent on the screen as well.
  6. Unplug your phone and restart it. If it doesn't say 100 percent, plug the charger back in until it says 100 percent on screen.
  7. You want to repeat this cycle until it says 100 percent (or as close as you think it's going to get) when you start it up without being plugged in.
  8. Now, install the Battery Calibration app and, before launching it, make sure your battery is at 100 percent again, then restart.
  9. Immediately launch the app and recalibrate your battery.
  10. Once you've calibrated your battery, discharge it all the way down to 0 percent and let your phone turn off again.
  11. Fully charge the battery one more time without interruption and you should have reset the Android system's battery percentage.
Now , we’re going to go through the problem of the SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 or the battery of your SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 overheating.

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